Frequently Asked Questions

We want you to be as prepared as possible for Future City High School.
If you don’t see your question, please reach out to
What is the team structure?
Teams are comprised of 3-5 students in grades 9-12 and 1 adult Coach (educator, engineer, etc.).
Which participation level should my team choose?
Two Registration Options
Program Access – $300/team
Great for first-time teams, see what Future City is all about while only completing one or two deliverables. Get free access to Future City’s full suite of resources. Teams can switch to Competition Access any time before the deliverable deadlines for the virtual Qualification Round for an additional fee ($150).
Competition Access – $375/team
This option allows your team to be eligible to compete in competition. Receive full access to Future City’s suite of resources. Complete all deliverables and fully compete in the virtual Qualification Round. Top 20 teams are invited to compete in the Finals in Washington DC. Eligible for special awards, scholarships, and cash prizes.
When is the registration deadline?
Teams must register for Program Access by October 31st, 2024. Teams can switch to Competition Access any time before the deliverable deadlines for the virtual Qualification Round for an additional fee.
Can a Coach register a team without knowing for certain which students that will be on it?
Yes! Coaches can register their team before knowing for certain the students that will on the team. It will be best to know which access level your team wants to be in: Program Access or Competition Access.
Can more than one team participate from the same school/organization?
Yes, more than one team can participate from the same school or organization. There is also no limit to how many teams from the same school or organization compete in the virtual Qualification Round or the Finals.
Can a Coach lead more than one team?
Yes, Coaches can register and lead as many teams as they need. Students may only participate on one team.
Is a team mentor Required? Can teams have a mentor?
High School teams are not required to have a team mentor. However, teams can opt to have an unofficial mentor guide their team. Unofficial mentors are not officially registered and recognized in the program, nor do they have access to team materials/ Future City Dashboard.
Is FCHS open to international teams?
Yes! Future City High School is open to all teams from the U.S. and internationally.
What software is to be used to build the digital model?
Future City High School teams will use Revit, an Autodesk software, to digitally build their model. More rules and guidelines around how to build your city in Revit will be released in the Handbook on August 1st.
Are teams required to use Revit to build the model?
Teams are required to use Revit to build their model. No other software will be accepted. We want to offer a level playing field for all teams competing globally and to remove the cost barrier as much as possible.
What is the Finals Presentation format?
Teams have 7 minutes to present their Future City in any format they prefer. Teams can use slides or a video, along with handouts/flyers; however, teams cannot use posters as visual aids. Teams will then have 8 minutes for a Q&A session with a panel of judges. More details about the presentation can be found in the Handbook.
Does DiscoverE fund the travel and hotel for the teams invited to Finals in Washington DC?
No, teams are required to fund their travel and hotel for the Finals in Washington DC. Pricing packages that teams can choose will be released early Fall 2024.