Who to Contact
Michael Andrews, Regional Coordinator, m.andrews@futurecityarizona.org
David Ellingson, Co-Coordinator, d.ellingson@futurecityarizona.org
Jayson Phillips, Co-Coordinator, j.phillips@futurecityarizona.org
Registration and School Contact
Arizona Registration – Arizona Region Website
Sara Christopherson, schristopherson@alionscience.com
Cheri Dale, CheriDale@mail.maricopa.gov
Media Relations
Michael Andrews, m.andrews@futurecityarizona.org
Competition Judges Contact
Ronald Thevenot, rthevenot@gmail.com
Engineering and Technical Society Contacts
Jessica Dresang, jdresang@carollo.com
Jay Lewis, jaylewis@zoho.com
Everett Greenli, egreenli@cox.net
Competition Logistics and ASU Site Information
Jeff Van Skike, jkvanskike@cox.net
John McCulloch, jpmccull@asu.edu
Volunteers and Mentors
Fredrick Tack, fredrick.tack@gmail.com
SimCity Experts
Dan Cuddihy, mtbrocket@gmail.com
John Lobo, jlobo@gfnet.com
Donate to future city Arizona
To make a secure donation using Paypal please use the following link.
For any questions regarding donations please email Mike Andrews at m.andrews@futurecityarizona.org